Lioba Martin, KIT

Lioba Martin

PhD student

Curriculum Vitae:

  • 2019: B. Sc. Geoecology and Environmental Sciences, University of Bayreuth
  • 2022: M. Sc. Geoecology, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Research Interests:

  • GHG Fluxes from managed agricultural systems
  • Impact of Extreme Events (Drought, Heatwaves) on Agricultural Systems

Project Involvement:

SCENIC: Storyline Scenarios of Extreme Weather, Climate, and Environmental Events along with their Impacts in a Warmer World

Publication List

Martin, L. L.; Smerald, A.; Kiese, R.; Klimiuk, T.; Ludwig, P.; Sánchez Benítez, A.; Goessling, H.; Scheer, C.: The vulnerability of European agricultural areas to anthesis heat stress increases with climate change, Environmental Research: Food Systems, 34 S. doi:10.1088/2976-601X/adb03d, 2025.

Telephone: +49 8821 183 309