Dr. Sergey Blagodatsky
Research interests
I am working at the intersection of such scientific disciplines as soil microbiology, biogeochemistry and soil science. I prefer quantitative approaches as a basis for solid scientific conclusions and consider the modeling as most prominent tool in answering scientific questions. More specifically my interests are in:
- The theory of microbial growth and its application in ecology.
- Investigating bacterial and fungal biomass and activity dynamics in soils of different ecosystems.
- Quantification of the role of soil microbes in production and uptake of greenhouse gases: modelling and measuring of N2O, CH4 and CO2 emission from soil.
Projects involved in
MODELPEAT- Modeling of greenhouse gas emissions from peatlands in Germany: merging statistical and process based model approaches
Curriculum Vitae
Diplomas and degrees
- 03/2012 Dr of Biological Sciences (Habilitation), Moscow State University, Dept of Soil Science, Russia: “Microbial biomass and modelling of nitrogen turnover in soil”
- 06/2006 Docent in Microbiology, Russian Supreme Attestation Commission, Moscow
- 10/1987 PhD in Microbiology and Soil Science, Moscow State University, Dept of Soil Science, Russia: “Microbiological immobilization of nitrogen in arable grey forest soils under different management”
- 06/1983 MSc in Soil Science and agricultural chemistry, Moscow State University, Dept of Soil Science, Russia
Professional employment
- 2024 - current Research Fellow at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT/IMK-IFU)
- 2021 - 2024 Research Fellow, Terrestrial Ecology Group, Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany
- 2012 – 2022 Research Fellow, Institute for Plant Production and Agroecology in the Tropics and Subtropics, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2010 – 2012 Research Fellow, Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences School of Biological Sciences, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK
- 2006 – 2022 Leading research scientist, Institute of physico-chemical and biological problems in soil science, Russian Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation
- 2008 - 2010 Visiting scientist, Institute of Meteorology und Climate Research – Institute of Environmental Research, Research Centre Karlsruhe, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- 2008–2009 Alexander von Humboldt research Fellow, University of Bayreuth, Germany
- 2000–2005 Senior research scientist, Institute of physico-chemical and biological problems in soil science, Russian Academy of Science
- 2005 Visiting scientist at Hohenheim University, Institute of soil science and land evaluation, Stuttgart, Germany
- 2003–2004 Visiting scientist, Institute of Meteorology und Klimate Research – Institute of Environmental Research, Research Centre Karlsruhe, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
- 2001–2002 Visiting scientist at Biosphere-2 Center, Oracle AZ, USA
- 2000–2002 Part-time lecturer (associate professor) at Pushchino State University, Soil Science and Ecology Department, Pushchino, Russian Federation
- 2000–2001 Visiting scientist, Institute of Agroecology, Federal Agricultural Research Center (BFAL), Braunschweig, Germany;
- 1988–1995, 1997–2000 Research scientist, Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis, Russian Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation
- 1995–1997, 1999 Alexander von Humboldt research Fellow, Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Technical University of Carolo-Wilhelmina, Braunschweig, Germany
- 1987–1988 Junior research scientist, Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis, Russian Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation
- 1983–1986 Postgraduate student, Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis, Russian Academy of Science, Pushchino, Russian Federation
Awards and achievements
- John Waid Award for the best Review paper in Soil Biology & Biochemistry published in 2012
- Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowships in 1996-1997 and in 2008-2009
More than 100 research articles indexed in Web of Science including 4 reviews, and 10 books and book chapters.
Link to google scholar
Sergey Blagodatsky @ Google scholar
Email: sergey.blagodatskiy@kit.edu